Sunday 6th January 2008
Happy New Year to you all. Hope you all had a wonderful christmas and safe new year.
Had a wonderful 10 day break at Waihi beach. The weather was fantastic apart from a couple of days when the wind picked up a bit and made things a tad uncomfortable.
We headed off on the Sunday before christmas - two vehicles loaded to the hilt - I can't believe we managed to pack everything up as fast as we did. We had everything bar the kitchen sink and the toaster. Got to the camp site and prepared to unload and set up. Three fricken hours later it was done. We hadn't put the new tent up before so it took a bit more time. We'd just finished when the manager came over and told us we had set up too close to the boundary and needed to move it. ***!!!!&&&arghhhh ....We ended up with fish and chips for dinner that night.
The next day was beautiful and we took the kids out on the boat. I caught the first fish again, snigger, a snapper but we didn't end up staying out for long as the kids were a bit unsure and started getting bored.
We managed to sneak the presents over and keep them out of sight of the kids - god knows how. The night before we put the little tree up and put them round the tree. Happy little chillin the next morning I can tell you. They each got a portable dvd player, dvds, books, games and a couple of extras. The older two arrived after lunch and we had more pressie giving. Col put the lamb on the barbie, I boiled some potatoes and made a salad. Christmas dinner. We settled down to a few drinks and laughs while the kids played happily with their new pressies. Bliss. We didn't want any presents this year what with the wedding coming up but Col was sneaky and brought me a beautiful gold watch. The kids brought me a new broomstick, very retro. Standing joke at home about me being a witch in a disguise. Lol. I encourage it.
For the 10 days we were there we had visitors staying for seven of them. The reason why we had taken two tents. Dave and Tracey came over for about four days which was really good as it meant Col had someone to go out fishing with. They watched the kids one morning and we went out together. Was a beautiful morning. Beautiful clear blue skies and the ocean was as calm as anything. We had breakfast of vogel sandwiches and fruit juice. Was lovely. But no fish. We caught quite an assortment of fish but none worth eating and had a frisky encounter with a shark.
All in all it was a wonderful break. The beach is absolutely gorgeous. The kids had a blast, we got to rest up and the weather was beautiful. I don't think we ate too much but we had a few drinks - as you do. br />
So after the mammoth pack up we arrived home on Wednesday arvo. The washing machine has been going for three days solid, the lawns needed mowing the gardens weeding and the house cleaning.
Today it's semi back to normal. I got Col up to go back to work this morning. I still have one more week. This week is all about the wedding. I have a list up to my elbow of things I need to do. But slowly they will all be ticked off. I'm taking Krystal in to get her dress today, hopefully. If we can't find anything here then we'll head to Hamilton.
So I had better get a move on I guess. Nothing is going to get done with me sitting on my bum. I'll leave you with a few pics.
Looking out from the main tent.
One of the weird fish Col caught.
The kids relaxing in the tent just after we set up.
Kids playing on the playstation.
Our room away from home.
We went into Waihi one day so Josh could spend some of his christmas money.
The kids swimming at the beach. They loved it. We spent an awful lot of time there.
Josh in the sand
Enjoying the night.
Our tent.
Ummmmm .... as you can see I'm not cooking fish.
Col trying to pose.
And that's me.
Catch ya later.